How can small gestures completely transform someone’s workplace experience? In an environment where voices often compete to be heard, micro-inclusions offer a way to level the playing field. These subtle actions not only foster a sense of belonging but also transform the way we work together. Want to know what role you can play in this dynamic to create an inclusive workplace? Keep reading.

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The Impact of Micro-inclusions in Creating an Inclusive Workplace

Is it possible to create an inclusive workplace where every voice matters and collaboration is more than just a buzzword—it’s a tangible experience? That’s exactly what experts at Harvard Business Review set out to explore. They conducted an experiment with 897 employees at a Silicon Valley tech company, based on a simple premise: how do small acts of inclusion—micro-inclusions—affect employees’ perception of belonging and adaptability at work?


The results were striking. In the initial scenario, where no details were provided about team dynamics, women anticipated feeling less valued and integrated than men. However, when a fictional team was described as one that actively practised micro-inclusions—where employees’ ideas were sought out, recognised, and supported—perceptions changed dramatically. Women’s sense of belonging increased by 35%, while men’s rose by 23%. With this variable in place, gender disparities were practically eliminated.

But the most interesting finding came next. Micro-inclusions had a far greater impact on engagement and professional confidence than acts of kindness like casual meetups or team-building events. While informal camaraderie merely scratched the surface, these small acts of inclusion did something far deeper: they made each employee feel like an essential part of something bigger.

“Micro-inclusions had a far greater impact on engagement and professional confidence than acts of kindness like casual meetups or team-building events.”


Cultivating a Culture of Micro-inclusion to Create an Inclusive Workplace

So, how do you create a workplace where everyone feels their voice truly matters? It’s no small challenge. In a fast-paced environment, taking the time to reflect on inclusion dynamics can often seem secondary. But what if it weren’t? What if these small gestures of inclusion were the key to unlocking a stronger, more motivated, and—above all—more connected team?

Take team meetings, for example. How often does someone remain silent because they can’t find the right moment to speak? What would it take for every person to feel confident enough to share their ideas? Perhaps no radical change is needed—just an intentional pause, an icebreaker question, or a space where different perspectives take centre stage.

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For team leaders, the reflection might go even deeper. How do their own habits influence the team? When the manager always speaks first, what message does that send about whose ideas matter most? What if the first voice we heard wasn’t the most familiar, but the one that rarely gets the spotlight?

For organisations aiming to build an inclusive workplace, management must ask themselves fundamental questions about company culture. How explicitly is the vision of inclusion communicated? Are there real spaces to assess whether all team members feel they have a seat at the table? More importantly, when was the last time existing patterns were questioned to see if certain individuals are consistently left out?

Creating micro-inclusions is ultimately about changing the way we observe our work environment. Small actions—as simple as a word of encouragement or timely recognition—have the power to transform dynamics of power, participation, and belonging. Are we ready to question the way we act and lead today in order to build a more inclusive workplace?

