Each one of us is unique and singular. But, based on this axiom, it´s also true that successful people share certain behavioural guidelines that could almost be established as a pattern. We’re not alchemists, and we don’t have an exact formula either, but in this post we are going to give you some clues as to which could be the requisites you should meet to make professional success closer to your reach.

Qualities of a person indicative of success

These and other features summarized in the following infographic are some of the indisputable qualities which define a leader, according to many experts in coaching and leadership.

  • Curiosity
  • Joy
  • Full picture
  • Fidelity to values
  • Passion
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Current events
  • Acceptance of criticism
  • Decision-taking
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Attitude is more significant than aptitude

    If you pay close attention, the majority of these qualities share a common denominator: they are more related to people´s attitudes than to their aptitudes. Expertise and intelectual background are essential tools to gather knowledge and perform duties in efficient fashion, but in reality it´s our attitude towards everyday situations what makes the difference. If there is a “ring of power” or, in this case, an “attitude of power” to rule them all, that’s positivity.

    Facing labour or personal issues with a positive attitude is what guides people towards greater willingness, enhanced creativity, increased productivity and, ultimately, higher likelihood of success. On the other hand, a negative mood when dealing with problems at work or unexpected events has a significantly negative impact on us, causing stress, lack of concentration and frustrations that lead to insatisfaction.


    Qualities of a good professional related to routine and order

    We are already aware that success lies largely on behaviour and attitude, but there are several very helpful practicalities that can lead you to success. Some of them have to do with routines and arrangement.

    For example, have you ever thought about how your email inbox looks like? Is it full of “unread” messages or are you able to keep it updated without losing half of your day on the process? Brad Smith, CEO of the company Intuit, claims that when he receives an email he always follows this mantra: “read, act, file or delete”. No email is left out of these options. Hence, you should try to develop your own method in order to arrange your daily tasks.


    Overcoming the temptation of “I’ll deal with that later”

    Procrastinating or, in other words, leaving things for later, quite clearly is not a tell-tale of success. But the most important thing is not to avoid the temptation of procrastination, but to rely on our willpower and acquired tools to overcome it.

    Our recommendation is that you follow strictly, at least, the “two-minute rule” in order to help you manage your time better. According to David Allen in his book Getting things done, if you can accomplish your next task in two minutes or less, in other words, in less time than you would spend filing or rescheduling it, get it done straight away although it’s not urgent or a priority.

    SourcesExpansiónHunters AmericasMaryEllen TibbyRetinaFast CompanyAmérica Economía