Being the best professional you can be. This premise, simple in appearance, is one of the most common goals for professionals around the world. Improving technically, becoming more empathetic, anticipating issues, being decisive, creative, agile. In short, being better.
In order to achieve grow professionally there’s no such thing as a single path. You must read, be up to date with the latest trends, get to know and respect your colleagues, keep your objectives solid and never relent. Above all these routines, there’s one that stands out: listen to others as much as you can. Leaders, experts, common people doing extraordinary things who, most probably, have experienced many of the situations you will face from now on.
TED talks: inspiration, innovation, expertise
All these qualities can be found in TED talks. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a non-profit organization based on the United States which has been offering presentations by world-renown leaders for decades. Presidents, Nobel prize winners, scientists, journalists or entrepreneurs are just some of the thousands of people who have given these lectures to grow professionally, with millions of views in their web portal.
These presentations cover a variety of topics, such as leadership, sustainability, personal success or self-improvement. The five talks we have selected are, in some way or another, linked to professional growth and the quest for a true working passion.
TED talks to help you become a better professional
How to find the work you love
Scott Dinsmore offers in this TED talks diverse keys on how to discover what things you feel passionate about, find the courage to do them and brush boundaries aside. “80% of people don’t know why they do the job they do”. If you’re among this 80%, perhaps this article may help you step out of your comfort zone and seek what you really love. You can rest assured that this is one of the foundations to grow professionally and become the best professional you can be someday.
How diversity makes teams more innovative
When Rocío Lorenzo was promoted she was able to study one of the theories that was always in her head: diversity is extremely beneficial for organizations. After conducting a survey among more than 100 companies, Rocío ascertained what she had suspected: the most diverse companies are also the most innovative and successful companies.
A must-see talk to understand what companies look for and why you should take creativity and diversity as an essential part in the development of your professional career.
Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience
Jason Shen tells in little more than six minutes what human potential is about and how we should look for a job (and for professionals) by highlighting people’s capabilities and not just their credentials.
This lecture will help you understand the dynamic nature of the labour world and consider different career opportunities that perhaps were not in the picture before. As Jason himself explains in this TED talks, despite his degree in Biology, he works currently as a program manager for a technology company. Another instance of how your skills and aspirations may lead you to a field completely opposite to that related to your training.
Treasure how to speak so that people want to listen
As we explained on several occasions before, the ability to communicate yourself effectively is one of the skills that will make you thrive professionally. That’s the topic of Julian Treasure’s TED talk, in which this sound expert gives some advice on how to talk empathetically and turn our speech into something powerful.
Why being respectful to your co-workers is good for business
“Do you want to thrive professionally? Start by being kind to your colleagues”. These are the first words of Christine Porath’s lecture, in which she reveals amazing details on how bad gestures within a working environment may lead to complete business failure. A different look on the importance of kindness in professional situations and the positive impact on business a good working atmosphere can provide.
These are just a compilation of some interesting TED talks that can help in your professional growth, but we invite you to further explore these and other specialists and seek in their expertise the inspiration required to become the professional you want to be.
Sources: El País, El Español, Clarín
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