The word “concentration” comes from “con-” (together) and “centrum” (center). In short, it means bringing something to the center. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense: it’s about gathering your attention, thoughts, and energy in one place, like aiming at a target. It sounds simple, but in daily life, it’s not always easy. Think about it: when was the last time you felt 100% focused on something?
Maintaining full attention at work has become an increasingly challenging task due to a combination of technological and cultural factors. From the rise of electronic devices to the pressure of multitasking, today’s work environment seems designed to disrupt the flow of our thoughts. Thus, learning how to focus at work is key to regaining control over our attention and improving both productivity and well-being. But what are the roots of this problem, and what can we do to tackle it? Let’s break it down.
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Deep work vs. shallow work
Cal Newport, professor of computer science at Georgetown University (Washington, USA), argues that in a world full of distractions, it is our ability to focus that makes the difference. In his book “Focus. Tips for success in a scattered world”, Newport reflects on how to put concentration at the centre of the debate on work organisation and office layout.
“In a world full of distractions, it is our ability to concentrate that makes the difference.”
I’m sure that at some point a colleague has said to you, with a trace of guilt, “I haven’t stopped all day and I feel like I haven’t done anything I had planned to do today“. Maybe it’s even happened to yourself: you answer emails, attend meetings, catch up with your team and, before you know it, it’s time to go home.
To address this, Newport distinguishes between “deep work” and “shallow work”, encouraging people to avoid distractions, which cause them to lose focus and stop wasting time and start doing the work that actually brings the most value.
The expert defines deep work as any professional activity carried out in a deep state of attention, without distractions, which requires the use of our full cognitive capacity. For him it all boils down to this simple formula:
(Time spent) × (Intensity of concentration) = High added-value work performed.
The author points out that, through periods of 60 and 90 minutes, great states of attention and concentration can be established without distractions and ensuring that the mind works at its maximum splendour and potential.
“Deep work is any professional activity performed in a deep state of attention, without distractions, which requires the use of the totality of our cognitive capacity”.
Newport’s tips for staying focused at work
Companies have a wide range of tools and resources at their disposal to help employees increase their concentration at work through deep work. For Newport, the first step is to provide a space for this purpose.

The integration of deep work in offices
Most offices are created mainly for superficial work, to encourage serendipitous discoveries and creativity while facilitating teamwork and meetings. We could mention both open-plan offices and hot-desking models, which we’ve already previously discussed here. The advantages of this type of design are well known to all. But sometimes the most concentrated moments at work require other spaces that provide greater intimacy.
As a possible solution, Newport mentions US architect David Dewane, creator of the “eudaimonia machine”, a design concept based on the creation of several rooms dedicated to deep work separated by soundproof walls, ideal for immersing oneself in tasks without interruption.
Managing distractions and optimising time
Likewise, another fundamental key is to discover, recognise and accept the distractions that people have around them. How much time do you spend looking at your mobile screen without even realising it? Picking up our device and entering a social network has become an almost automatic gesture for many of us. Mobile devices go from being, many times, a useful tool to an obstacle for our concentration levels at work.
The next step will be what’s called “time blocking“. Here the person chooses certain times to work and focus on the goal to be achieved. You may decide, for example, to devote the morning to tasks that require maximum concentration and spend the afternoon on more superficial work, such as answering emails.
Similarly, the author stresses the importance of establishing and observing rest times. This is essential to avoid burnout and to maintain our energy levels.

7 Habits to Learn How to Focus at Work and Stop Procrastinating
✅ Start with the important stuff: Before starting your day, take a few minutes to define your priorities. What truly needs your attention today? Tackling the essentials step by step helps prevent tasks from piling up and overwhelming you.
🔕 Silence notifications: You don’t need to be available 24/7. Mute non-urgent alerts while working on something important. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but it’s a relief for your mind.
🪑 Create a clear workspace: Having an organized environment, even if it’s just a small corner, can help you feel more focused. Fewer visual distractions mean better attention and are a key step to effectively learning how to focus at work.
⏸️ Take mini-breaks: Working non-stop doesn’t equal being productive. Try short breaks every hour. Breathe, stretch, or simply close your eyes for a moment to reset your mind.
📱 Keep your phone away: That “I’ll just check it for a second” can turn into minutes that pull you out of your flow. Keep it out of reach while working on tasks that require your full concentration.
✋ Do one thing at a time: Multitasking sounds great, but it often just divides your attention. Focus on one task at a time. Ask yourself: What deserves 100% of my energy today? This approach is essential if you’re looking for strategies to focus at work and maximize productivity.
💡 Connect with the purpose of your work: When a task feels overwhelming or unmotivating, remind yourself why it’s important or what you’re doing it for. Having a clear purpose can help you refocus.
Concentration isn’t something you achieve overnight or a state you maintain perfectly all the time. It’s more like a muscle that strengthens gradually with practice and patience. Some days you’ll feel like you’ve made clear progress, while others it might be harder to focus. What matters is recognizing that every small change counts.
Experiment with the habits outlined here and find what works for you. The key is to try, listen to your needs, and build a system that supports you rather than pressures you. You don’t need to achieve it all at once—the secret lies in being consistent and kind to yourself throughout the process.